For our community, the environment, and our climate

Sustainable Montclair is a grassroots initiative dedicated to inspiring progress towards climate positive and environmentally sustainable change. Our hope is to help the town of Montclair, NJ, lead on environmentally progressive initiatives at the local level. We welcome all to join us in this community effort.

Synthetic Turf is Toxic

It’s also unsafe, impossible to recycle, and pollutes. Learn more here.

The Oak Trees at Woodman Field

Local residents and neighbors of Woodman Field in Montclair, NJ, tried to save a grove of healthy mature Oaks from being felled. Learn more here.

Goodbye Gas-powered Leaf Blowers

The Montclair Town Council has taken an enormous step in protecting public health, the environment, and climate by putting an end to the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in our community. This is significant progress towards more sustainable landscaping practices and cleaner air.

Sustainable Yards

Make your yard a pollinator oasis while nurturing biodiversity, native plants, and sustainable gardening practices.